Modelling Approaches for Retrofitting Energy Systems in Cities: Current Practice and Future Challenges in Newcastle upon Tyne

Carlos Calderon, Macarena Rodriguez

Keywords: Urban Regeneration; Urban Energy Consumption; Energy Consumption Model; Rebound Effect; Demand Side Management


The paper reviews the UK carbon agenda and current local practices and challenges in urban energy modelling as to highlight the lack of models and quantitative understanding of the interplay between technical and social systems. The paper also reviews existing modelling household practices and energy demand to contextualize the emphasis of our study( i.e. take back effect and demand side management) and the rationale behind our selected approach: activity base model. The model is used to model and quantify two salient aspects of the interaction between retrofitted technical systems and household practices:( 1) rebound effect; and( 2) demand side management. By applying the model,the paper presents a case study using 200 social households in Newcastle upon Tyne. Finally,we propose a theoretical model and its detailed implementation. The modeling results have important theoretical and practical implications for the development of planning decision support system for urban regeneration. 


Brief Info of Author(s):

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