Planning for Low-carbon Urban Retrofitting: Theories and Practices

Zhao Pengjun, Lv Bin, John Pendlebury

Keywords: Urban Retrofitting; Low-carbon City; Spatial Planning; Energy Consumption; Heritage Conservation


City is the major place where human well-being is developed. It is also the main place in which human has severer impacted on ecosystem and thus the key place where policies are made to reduce the impacts as well. To build a low-carbon and livable city has become a common interest for planners and politicians all over the world. Retrofitting the existing built environment in the historic areas is crucial to the reduction of energy consumption and the development of low carbon city. The findings and conclusions of the articles included in this special issue suggest that energy-efficient regeneration can be achieved from promoting green buildings, reducing energy use in historic heritages,building low-carbon communities, harmonizing land use and transport system,optimizing urban spatial structure, and facilitating green economy. With a prior concern on heritage conservation,the planning for retrofitting the old city should also pay attentions to environmental and social justice. Apparently,planning would be more effective and efficient to reduce energy use if it can cooperate with other instruments,such as consumption behavior education and fiscal policies.


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