“Grey Land” Planning: A Flexible Control Method to Coordinate Short-term and Long-term Industrial Distribution of Development Zone

Wang Zhen, Yang Zhongwei, Zhang Cheng

Keywords: Development Zone; Grey Land; Intensive Land Use; Short-term Industrial Area


“Grey Land” is an elastic land use of advanced consideration and active implementation for the “transformation from secondary industry to tertiary sector”. The article analyzes the underlying causes of low-efficient land use in development zone which includes lack of scientific planning and the over-length of land leasing,then clarifies the process of development zone by referring to the cases of Ruhr Industrial Region and Brindleyplace of Birmingham. It continuously discusses “Grey Land” planning method which fits the circumstances of China and puts forward its concept and operating mechanism. At last,by the case study of Zhenjiang Development Zone,the paper brings up the short-term and long-term Industrial area for the first time and provides a new idea to promote intensive land use of development zones in China. 

Funds: 国家自然科学基金资助项目(41301191)

Brief Info of Author(s):

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