DOI: 10.22217/upi.2019.449
Paradigm Shift from West to Soviet: Investigation and Enlightenment on the Origin of Chinese Modern Urban Planning

Xu Hao, Li Baihao



International urban planning theory in the 20th century has remarkable characteristics of cross-cultural communication. After 1949, the “Soviet Model” of urban planning came to China through top-down promotion. At the same time, the“ European and American Experience” of modern urban planning did not be withdrawn. By collecting historical texts and archives, this paper reveals the opposition of planning theory and practice between the Soviet Model and the European and American Experience from 1949 to 1952, and investigates the deep logic of paradigm transformation. Looking back on this period of history can reflect the initial settings of many levels of modern urban planning in China, and it is easier to understand the internal factors of success or failure of today’s urban planning. This subversive paradigm shift and its rich historical information can also provide the historical dimension of concern for the current land and space planning reform.


Brief Info of Author(s):

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