DOI: 10.22217/upi.2019.528
The Evolution of Thoughts on Urban and Rural Planning in China Since the Founding of the People’s Republic of China in 1949

Zhang Jingxiang, Chen Hao, Wang Yutong

Keywords: Urban and Rural Planning, Social Thought, State Governance, Historical Evolution, The People’s Republic of China


This article employs one contextual framework and two main threads while unraveling the evolution of China’s urban and rural planning thoughts since the founding of the People's Republic of China in 1949. The development of China's urban planning thoughts in the past seventy years can be divided into five stages, namely: urban planning as the tool for the spatial deployment of industries; urban planning under an ultraleftist ideology; urban planning admist the science-based rationalistic methodology; urban planning in a growth-dictates-all environment; and urban planning in the circumstance of the national governance restructuring. The past seventy years saw urban planning thought in China evolved with many changes and certain constants: what changed is the role of urban-rural planning and the conception of its value, as well as the theories and techniques in urban-rural planning; whereas the pragmatic path remained a constant.

Funds: This study is funded by National Science Foundation of China (51578276,51608251).

Brief Info of Author(s):

Dr. Zhang Jingxiang is a professor and PhD advisor in the School of Architecture and Urban Planning at Nanjing University. His research interests include history and theories of urban planning. Email:

Dr. Chen Hao is an associate research professor in the School of Architecture and Urban Planning at Nanjing University. His research interests include urban and rural governance, urban geography. Email:

Wang Yutong is a Masters candidate in the School of Architecture and Urban Planning at Nanjing University. Email:

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