DOI: 10.22217/upi.2019.532
Analysis of Evolution of Urban and Rural Land Use Planning System in Modern China from the Perspective of Ingestion and Originality

Zhao Bing, Lin Jian, Liu Shiyi

Keywords: Urban and Rural Land Use, Planning, Evolution, International Experience, Territorial Spatial Planning Reform, China


The urban and rural land use planning in modern China evolved by continually absorbing international planning theories and concepts based on the domestic practice of land management and planning. During the period of planned economy, China learned from the successful experience of the Soviet Union in social and economic development, as well as urban and rural land use planning. During the period of economic transformation, the land use planning system was influenced by foreign experience other than the Soviet Union. This paper reviews the impacts of learning from foreign countries on urban planning, land use planning, territorial planning, and major functional zoning planning at different times since the foundation of the PRC. It explains the evolution process of relevant planning through integrating foreign experience and domestic innovation, and eventually establishing a planning system with Chinese characteristics and adapt to national conditions. In the end, the paper attempts to put forward some enlightening suggestions for the ongoing territorial spatial planning reform.

Funds: The National Social Science Fund of China (18VSJ041)

Brief Info of Author(s):

Zhao Bing is a PhD candidate in the College of Urban and Environmental Sciences at Peking University. 

Dr. Lin Jian (corresponding author) is a professor and PhD advisor in the College of Urban and Environmental Sciences, Ministry of Land and Resources Key Lab of Territorial Planning and Development, and Center for Urban Planning and Design at Peking University. Email:

Liu Shiyi is a post-doctoral research fellow in the College of Urban and Environmental Sciences, Ministry of Land and Resources Key Lab of Territorial Planning and Development, and Center for Urban Planning and Design at Peking University.

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