DOI: 10.19830/j.upi.2018.040
Housing Planning and Management System Satisfying Multi-demand : Enlightenment of Housing System Evolution in Japan

Dong Xiaoting

Keywords: Housing Policy; Hosing Planning; Housing Demand; Housing Standards; Implementation of Planning


Currently the main contradiction within China’s housing system is that the demand is not matched by supply, rather than housing supply shortage in the past,thus the system needs reform. This article takes Japanese housing system as a reference, presents the experience through three aspects: legal system, supplying system,as well as planning and implementation system,investigates what-to-do, who-does-it and how-to-do. First of all,Japanese housing system pays more attention to protect the right rather than the management to housing, distinguishes the responsibility and constrains the power by law. Secondly,the government does not focus on direct housing supply,but encourages multi-cooperation, adopts flexible guidance instead of the original rigid control. Finally, it ensures effective housing supply through comprehensive statistics and supervision system, independent housing planning, and implementable indicator system. The whole Japanese housing system closely follow the diversity demands of the people,and practices with the preciese planning system. It is a good reference for China on how to reform the housing system from the perspective of housing demand.


Brief Info of Author(s):

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