DOI: 10.19830/j.upi.2020.047
Planning Response and Implications for Urban Vacancy with the Experience of Smart Shrinkage in Germany, America, and Japan

Du Zhiwei, Jin Lixia, Zhang Hong'ou

Keywords: Vacancy; Smart Shrinkage; Shrinking Cities; Urban Planning; Public Participation


Recently, shrinking cities has become a new phenomenon of rapid urbanization in China. How to deal with the vacancy problem caused by urban shrinkage is a research topic that needs to be emphasized in spatial planning and urban governance. The smart shrinkage advocating “planning for less” has attracted widespread attention in the field of urban planning, but it shows diversified attitudes and responses in different institutions and cultures of countries, which also has a significant impact on its specific practice. Through investigating the formation and motivation of shrinking cities in Germany, America, and Japan, this paper analyses the attitudes and evolutions of coping with vacancy in combination with typical events, and discusses the roles (e.g. governments, social organizations, markets and the public) of smart shrinkage in these countries. We aim to explore the applicability of smart shrinkage in Chinese urban planning, and provides experience and implications on how to cope with urban shrinkage in China.


Brief Info of Author(s):

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