DOI: 10.19830/j.upi.2018.076
Why are not Japanese Cities Same Image? Shaping Urban Spatial Distinction by Japanese Castles

Ran Aobo, Liu Jiayan

Keywords: Same Imagines of Cities; Japanese Castle; Urban Spatial Distinction; Japan; Cultural Heritage


China faces a serious problem in the rapid urbanization: the same image of cities. The core behind the phenomenon is lacking the urban spatial distinction. This paper focuses on Japan and discusses how to shape urban spatial distinctions by Japanese castles and protecting and re-utilization of them. This paper selects 16 cases, and analyzes the close connection between Japanese castles and urban spatial distinctions in terms of structure of inner space, spatial location in the city, the history of renewal and re-utilization. Based on these materials, this paper concludes three points from Japanese experience: conservation measure, the relationship with current urban construction and the attitude to history. According to these, this paper gives some inspiration to Chinese urban governance.


Brief Info of Author(s):

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