DOI: 10.19830/j.upi.2018.058
Function Evolution of Singapore Neighborhood Center Mode in China

Liu Quan, Lai Yani

Keywords: Neighborhood Center; Residential Area; Community Service; Public Facilities Planning; Sinicization; Singapore; Urban Planning History


Since 1990s, Singapore neighborhood center mode has been widely spread in China, used by different subjects such as government planning departments, planning agencies and developers in different ways in urban planning field, and rich experience has been gained, including public facilities planning standards revision, public welfare facilities planning practice and commercial facilities construction practice in residential area. There are functional organization differentiation and facility planning structure similarities between Singapore and China, which make methods and contents of Singapore neighborhood center mode appear corresponding dissimilation in its Sinicized developing process. Three planning methods of neighborhood center mode can be summarized, focusing on public welfare facilities, commercial facilities, and mixed use of public welfare and commercial facilities. So, this paper interprets the reason of diversified function organization and the effect of comprehensive development of neighborhood center mode.


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