DOI: 10.19830/j.upi.2018.323
Spatial Planning’s Function Organization and the Allocation of Power and Responsibility: Learning from Japan, the UK and the Netherlands

Zhang Shuhai, Wang Xiaoyu

Keywords: Spatial Planning; Institutional Reform; Organization Design; The Relationship of the Central and Local Government; Experience Reference


The establishment of the Ministry of Natural Resources has realized the merger of the functions of spatial planning management. However, from the perspective of improving the efficiency of space management, the spatial planning administrative agencies still face the challenge of how to integrate management functions and coordinate the powers and responsibilities of the central authorities. Through the combing of the spatial planning of Japan, the UK and the Netherlands, the paper explores the characteristics of the spatial planning institutions, the structure of planning functional department of the central level and powers and liabilities distribution. The characteristics that having a relatively independent feedback mechanism for planning suggestions, splitting the multi-dimensional planning functions and adjusting planning powers and responsibilities provide experience for the deep integration of Chinese spatial planning functions. On this basis, the paper proposes that we should set up an independent feedback mechanism for planning suggestions, split the planning functions comprehensively from the problem orientation and space division and adjust the relationship of the powers and responsibilities between the central and local government reasonably.


Brief Info of Author(s):

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