DOI: 10.19830/j.upi.2017.550
Rights Transformation System in Taiwan’s Urban Renewal and Its Enlightenment in the Context of Diversification of Property Rights

Guo Xiangmin, Ji Xuan, Wang Dongxue, Yan Xiaona

Keywords: Taiwan; Urban Renewal; Rights Transformation System; Diversification of Property Rights; Allocation of Rights and Interests


Under the background of the diversification of housing property right and the protection of housing property right, the problem of urban renewal has become an international urban governance problem. Taiwan’s urban renewal is also facing a huge challenge posed by the status quo of property rights diversification, the main performance is that a large number of property owners are gathered on smaller bases, so their diversified interests is difficult to be coordinated. To this end, Taiwan has evolved the right transformation system after years of exploration to solve the above problems in a flexible equity allocation. This paper combines field investigation with professional interview, analyzes the implementation background, evolution course, operating mode and executive character of Taiwan’s rights transformation system, and analyzes it’s implementing effect. By comparing with mainland cities, this paper points out that the right transformation system is of important significance for solving urban renewal problems under the background of property rights diversification and can be used for reference in the area of the similar cities in China’s mainland.


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