DOI: 10.19830/j.upi.2018.277
Constructing a Spatial Planning System with Clear Authority and Responsibility: The Experience and Enlightenment from Japan

Li Yazhou, Liu Songling

Keywords: Spatial Planning; Land Use Planning; Multiple-planning; Division of Responsibilities; Planning Coordination; Japan


Japan has a similar spatial planning system as China, which has a complex system of multiple-planning, and can be used as an important reference for China. This paper makes an in-depth and detailed study of Japan’s spatial planning system by analyzing a large number of first-hand materials. The study shows the experience of Japan is that the authorities of different levels and departments have clear boundaries and perfect coordination mechanism under clear law systems. In the end, several suggestions, including delineation of authorities, spatial planning legislation, and the establishment of planning coordination mechanism are put forward to optimize China’s spatial planning system.


Brief Info of Author(s):

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