DOI: 10.19830/j.upi.2019.114
The Response to Public Health in American Urban Planning Education: History, Training Mode and Enlightenment

Li Zhiming, Yao Yingshan, Song Yan

Keywords: Urban Planning; Public Health; History; Joint Education; Enlightenment


Cultivating urban planning professionals with public health awareness, knowledge, and skills is of great importance to the sustainable development of urban and rural society in China. This paper briefly reviews three historical stages of the American urban planning education community, regarding to the awareness of public health and the education of this type of interdisciplinary professionals since twentieth Century. Taking Columbia University, University of California at Berkeley, University of Southern California, and University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill as examples, this paper analyzes the practical experience in the training methodology, course system, and curriculum content of such joint education paradigm, which reveals an international trend and prospect of the joint education between urban planning and public health. This paper tries to provide some useful reference and enlightenment for the training of professionals in this interdisciplinary field in China.


Brief Info of Author(s):

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