DOI: 10.19830/j.upi.2018.270
Josep Lluís Sert’s International Architecture Organization Activities and Urbanism

Jiang Zhengliang

Keywords: Josep Lluís Sert; GATCPAC; CIAM; Urban Design; Civic Design; Balanced Habitat


Josep Lluís Sert was a famous Spanish architect, and the second-generation leader of the modern architecture movement and educator. In his early years, Sert founded GATCPAC, a Spanish modern architecture organization, and then served as the chairman of the CIAM (Congrès Internationaux d’Architecture Moderne)for 10 years after the World War II. By calling on the urban design conference held by Harvard Graduate School of Design, he gradually opened up the field of contemporary urban design. He also made an important contribution to the formation of the UN Habitat I. Following the process of difference events, this paper discusses several key topics, including the erection and disintegration of the CIAM, the modern architecture movement from European internationalization to globalization, the collision of ideas between new-era and old-era architects, and the field of urban design and the balance of human habitats founded by Sert. On one hand, the paper presents the whole course of the modern architecture movement and several distinctive characteristics after the World War II: abandoning the international and unified paradigm; focusing on the communications among regional and individual national levels; paying more attention to domestic cultures and local characteristics. On the other hand, we can also see that Sert, as the second-generation leader of the modern architecture movement, has chosen various cutting-edge themes of modern architecture during different times and social changes, and has continued his efforts to continue the general direction of the modern architecture movement.


Brief Info of Author(s):

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