DOI: 10.19830/j.upi.2020.349
On the Inner Logics of Divergence of Rental Housing Models in Metropolises: Case Comparison Between New York and Berlin

Chen Jie

Keywords: Rental Housing; International Comparison; Urban Governance; Financialization; Housing Policy


This paper first reviews the theoretical resources related to the interpretation of diversity of urban rental housing development mode, and reveals that the rental development mode, including the internal structure of rental housing sector, is determined by the macro background constraints of economic system, social concept, welfare system, financial structure, etc. After that, this paper makes a comparative study of New York and Berlin as typical cases, and places special focus on the different performance characteristics and economic-social consequences of the financialization of rental sectors in the two cities in recent years. Based on these theoretical analysis and case study, this paper puts forward a series of suggestions for the choice of rental housing development mode and the governance of rental sector in domestic metropolises.


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