DOI: 10.19830/j.upi.2020.351
Development Dilemma and Policy Breakthrough of China’s Rental Market

Shao Ting

Keywords: Rental Housing; Accessible for Both Renting and Purchasing ; Development Dilemma; Policy Breakthrough; Same Right of Renting and Purchasing


Since reform of urban housing system in 1998, housing demand of Chinese residents has mainly been solved by purchasing. The development of rental market is relatively slow. Since the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, the State has attached great importance to the development of housing rental market and adopted a series of policy measures. But in reality, the development of housing rental market still faces many institutional mechanisms and policy dilemmas. Based on the analysis of the current situation of China’s housing rental market, this paper points out six dilemmas, such as mismatch between supply and demand of rental housing, insufficient development of institutionalization, disorder of market order, and sluggish legislation. Finally, it puts forward some suggestions for establishing and improving the relevant supporting systems and policies.


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