DOI: 10.19830/j.upi.2018.349
Siting Green Stormwater Infrastructure to Maximize Comprehensive Benefits: A Case of Beauport, Quebec City, Canada

Ke Lei, Zhai Guofang, Shi Yijun, Zhou Shutian

Keywords: Green Stormwater Infrastructure (GSI); Benefits; Multifunctionality; Climate Change; Vulnerability; Site Selection; Sponge City; Beauport


Under the impacts of climate change and urbanization, a series of ecoenvironmental problems such as backflow, overflow and the deterioration of the water quality are more serious in cities. Green stormwater infrastructure is promoted for its multifunctionality, however, projects are typically sited based on a particular benefit, such as stormwater abatement, rather than a suite of social and environmental benefits. The decision support tool of the green stormwater infrastructure in Beauport, Quebec city, Canada, which takes multifunctionality into account, contributed to the social acceptability and the implantation of green stormwater infrastructure. Based on the definition of green stormwater infrastructure and its benefits, this paper takes the practice of Beauport as an example to introduce the design and application of the decision support tool in detail, supplying advice for the site selection, construction and management of China’s green stormwater infrastructure in sponge city construction. 


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