DOI: 10.19830/j.upi.2020.393
International Certification Mechanism of “Child Friendly Cities (Communities)” and Related Practices and Theoretical Developments of European and American Cities

Xu Mengyi, Tim Gill, Mao Pan, Tian Ting

Keywords: Child Friendly Cities Initiative; Certification Mechanisms; European and American Cities“; Hub-and-Spoke” Model; Localization


This paper firstly analyzes the origin, goals and principles, certification mechanisms and the impacts on urban planning of the United Nations Children’s Fund Child Friendly Cities Initiative from the perspective of an international initiative. And this paper investigates and analyzes the themes of urban practice strategies, including main contents, implementation methods and effectiveness in nine European and American cities from 1970s. And then it proposes a new method “Hub-and-Spoke” model. It also analyzes the relationships and differences between the “Hub-and-Spoke” model and the building elements of the Child Friendly Cities Initiatives. Ultimately, it combined with the development status of Chinese Child Friendly Cities (Communities), and proposes the guiding role of the Child Friendly Cities Initiative should be further emphasized. Following the experiences of European and American urban planning practices dialectically, it is helpful to find building elements and standards and promote local sustainable development for Child Friendly Cities (Communities) in China.


Brief Info of Author(s):

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