DOI: 10.19830/j.upi.2020.091
Research on Regeneration of Industrial Relics Based on the Perspective of Urban Agglomeration: Case Study of the USA’s Northeastern Megalopolis

Sun Miao, Li Zhenyu

Keywords: Industrial Relics; Urban Agglomeration; The USA’s Northeastern Megalopolis; Regeneration Pattern; Industrial Orientation


Industrial relic is the significant spatial resource for urban regeneration. The economic development goal determines the choice of regeneration patterns, which depends on the city’s grading and its economic status within the urban agglomeration. Research on the economic laws of regeneration from the perspective of urban agglomeration can reuse the industrial relics more effectively, avoid homogeneous competition, and promote the synergetic development mechanism within urban agglomeration. The Northeastern Megalopolis was the birthplace of American industries and pioneer for post-industrial transformation. Its industrial relics are large in scale, widely distributed and with mature regeneration patterns, which shows research significance. This paper divides the cities into four levels and selects 32 cases of regenerated industrial relics. Based on a research frame of “regeneration-industry-urban agglomeration”, this paper sorts out the regeneration strategies from three levels: spatial redevelopment, function implantation, and participants’ composition. It analyzes the economic mechanism to point out the industrial orientation as the law of selecting regeneration patterns for industrial relics. Furthermore, this paper summarizes three types of regeneration patterns: scattered, platform, and anchored. It aims to provide experience and reference for the Yangtze River Delta Urban Agglomeration with similar background.


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