DOI: 10.19830/j.upi.2020.066
Implementation Evaluation of Overseas Industrial Parks Planning and Response Strategy: Case Study of Sihanoukville Special Economic Zone

Kong Xiaoyun, Yuan Jinfu, Zheng Jun

Keywords: The Belt and Road; Overseas Industrial Park; Planning Evaluation; Coping Strategy; Sihanoukville Special Economic Zone


Due to the great differences between the countries along the Belt and Road, planning standard systems vary from countries. The planning of overseas industrial parks can effectively guide the construction of the parks, but there are some problems such as unclear requirements, unsuitable measures and uneconomical indicators in the process of plan-making. To explore the pertinence, scientificity and operability of the planning, this paper evaluates the implementation of the Detailed Plan of Sihanoukville Special Economic Zone in Cambodia, summarizing the main reasons for planning changes and adjustments in the process of implementation, including different land ownership and planning management methods, different construction subjects and development construction modes, different planning systems and construction standards between China and Cambodia. Furthermore, this paper puts forward suggestions and methods to improve the planning of overseas industrial, such as emphasizing integration in planning standards, relevance in planning content, localization in planning principles and economy in planning construction.


Brief Info of Author(s):

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