DOI: 10.19830/j.upi.2021.066
Dissemination of “the Production of Space” in the Context of Anglo-Saxondom and China and Its Misreading in the Fields of Chinese Urban Planning and Geography

Yang Shan, Chen Hongzheng

Keywords: The Production of Space; Spatial Political Economy; Epistemology; Urban Planning; Counter-Hegemony


“The production of space” is the most important and influential doctrine by Lefebvre. In the last three decades since its emergence, the theory has gone through three major waves of its reception in the context of AngloSaxondom. In the first two waves, it was misinterpreted to a degree by Manuel Castell, David Harvey, Edward W. Soja, and other theorists. Likewise, such misinterpretation also occurs in its Chinese dissemination, especially in the fields of urban planning and geography. In the name of “the production of space”, most of papers actually lay an emphasis on spatial political economy insisted persistently by Harvey. Through examining the epistemological origin of the misinterpretation, and essential and fundamental conceptions such as knowledge and ideology, dialectics and logics, anti-logos and poetry, space and production, this article gives its critique on the misreading in urban planning and clarifies the understanding of the production of space, with briefing a new analytical perspective of “counter-hegemony”.


Brief Info of Author(s):

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