DOI: 10.19830/j.upi.2019.372
The Concept, Practice and Enlightenment of “Urban Perforation” in Japan

Luo Dongfang, Zhai Guofang, Li Wenjing

Keywords: Urban Shrinkage; Urban Low Density; Perforation; Japan; Response


With the changes in the urban development environment, urban shrinkage has occurred and drawn the attention of academia in the world.“Urban perforation” is a spatial microscopic representation of urban shrinkage and low-density that proposed by Japan, but it is common in other countries as well. How to deal with “urban perforation” is an unavoidable problem in achieving a compact city in the future. This paper summarizes the definition, the causes, the impacts, and the current distribution characteristics of urban perforation, and reviews the development process of relevant countermeasures. Then, based on the existing countermeasures, the paper divides countermeasures into two aspects: solving current problems and preventing measures in the future. Transfer of rights, administrative participation, contractual agreement and community construction are included respectively. In the end, the paper puts forward three suggestions to cope with urban perforation in China, including changing working methods, extending the scope of planning control, and strengthening the power of community.


Brief Info of Author(s):

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