DOI: 10.19830/j.upi.2020.557
Transition, Types and Characteristics of Social Housing System in Germany and Its Enlightenment to China

Wang Yang, Hong Xiaowei, Li Zhiran

Keywords: Germany; Social Housing; Monetary Subsidy of Tenant; Rent Control; Matching of Tenant and Social Housing


As a high welfare country with mature social housing policies, Germany has been searching for social housing system to match the social needs of different stages of development. Germany has been trying to adjust the proportion of material social housing supply and monetary subsidies of tenant and the intensity of rent control by timely, in order to dynamically adapt the scope of social housing and its target population. In the period of housing shortage after World War II, Germany built a host of material social housing and introduced social housing policies; in the period of stable economic development, Germany promoted the marketization of social housing and strengthened the intensity of monetary subsidy of tenant; after the shock of the housing market, Germany restarted the construction of material social housing and expanded the scope of monetary subsidy of tenant. However, the development of German social housing system is also accompanied by some problems. For instance, the unbalanced allocation of material social housing and monetary subsidy of tenant promotes the unitary development of social housing model, which reduces the efficiency of the implementation of social housing policy. Excessive rent control widens the gap in the rental price of housing rental contracts, including the extension of old housing leasing contracts and newly signed housing leasing contracts, which hinders the market-oriented flow of social housing. The neglect of potential social housing target groups leads to the phenomenon of “old age returning to poverty” and “poverty delay”, which increases the number of people who need social housing in the future. Learning from Germany, the reform of China’s social housing system needs to combine with its own development situation, promotes the monetary subsidy of tenant, adheres to the material social housing supply, improves the rent control system, enhances the efficiency of market allocation, clarifies the tenant of social housing, and expands the scope of social housing.


Brief Info of Author(s):

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