DOI: 10.19830/j.upi.2020.360
Seeking the Balance Between Strong Regulation and Development: Foreign Experiences of “Central-Local” Co-governance in Spatial Planning

Zhang Ji, Li Yazhou, Liu Guannan, Ye Chenxi

Keywords: Spatial Planning; Central-Local Government Relationship; Urban Growth Boundary (UGB); Urban Development Boundary; Ecological Zones; Land Development Rights


As a direct means of spatial resource governance in China, the major focus of spatial planning is the balance and co-governance of central and local authorities. In this context, the urban development boundary and ecological zones become the focal points for balancing central and local authorities and focusing on the demands of “central control and local development”. However, due to the great differences in institutional settings, development stages, and planning systems, there are huge disparities in terms of the prerequisites, priorities, and measures for cogovernance between different countries. Taking Portland Metropolitan area in the USA, Randstad in the Netherlands, and Greater London in the UK as examples, this paper discusses the good governance practices of urban growth boundary (UGB) and ecological zones in three different types of spatial planning systems respectively, which could be concluded as “local-led”, “moderated”, and “central-controlled” modes. The paper demonstrates that in both central-controlled and localled spatial planning systems, both the central government and local authorities are committed to wrestling over land development rights through specific planning tools, such as “regional coordination”and “flexible mechanism”, to find the best balance between the top-down strong regulation and bottom-up development demands. On this basis, the paper puts forward some suggestions on the demarcation of UGB and ecological zones, as well as balancing the economic development with ecological protection for China’s territorial spatial planning.


Brief Info of Author(s):

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