DOI: 10.19830/j.upi.2020.194
Research and Enlightenment of Housing Planning in Portland, the USA

Wang Bei, Chen Wei, Wang Wen, Li Qian, Chen Li

Keywords: Housing Planning; Portland; Planning Connotation; Planning Formulation Method; Planning Implementation; Planning Evaluation


As the guarantee for people’s basic welfare, housing is the primary starting point for building people’s city and improving residents’ happiness. Under the calls on high-level urban development, high-quality construction and high-efficiency governance, the connotation, content and implementation of current urban housing system in China need to be further explored and deepened. This paper focuses on the process and content of housing planning in Portland, and summarizes comprehensively the city’s planning attribute, which is called “medium and long-term urban development and spatial planning”. The planning method and content could be mainly divided into three parts: dual-oriented demand forecasting, multi-dimensional spatial layout, key breakthrough policy supplement. The planning implementation could be clarified as two procedures: planning to zoning and evaluation to excellent planning, which have significant referential meaning for future urban housing planning in China. Combined with the characteristics of current urban housing planning in China, it suggests that the dual connotations of social development planning and special land space planning be clarified in the property of housing planning. In terms of planning methods and contents, the housing problem investigation and demand forecast should be carried out in detail, and the spatial layout of housing be optimized by taking multiple factors into consideration, and the property of housing planning policy be enhanced to solve the urgent housing problems. Regarding the implementation of the plan, the guidelines for special planning to land the regulations should be promoted, and the short-term housing development plan be coordinated into the orderly development of housing.


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