DOI: 10.19830/j.upi.2021.561
Community Planning Approaches for Megacity Governance

Yang Chen

Keywords: Megacity; Urban Governance; Community Planning; Multi-actor Governance; International Comparison


From the perspective of urban planning, the current global megacity governance faces the triple challenges of equity and efficiency in public service provision, risk management and sustainable development, and the construction of a multi-actor governance system. Community planning & community governance is the key to meet these challenges. Taking five megacities, London, Tokyo, New York, Beijing and Shanghai as examples, this special issue aims to analyze, compare, and rethink the new contents and approaches of community planning in each megacity in terms of power division, economic revitalization, social inclusion and resilience. Then it provides ideas to the community planning and construction of other Chinese cities in the future.


Brief Info of Author(s):

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