DOI: 10.19830/j.upi.2021.244
Urban Renewal Policies in the Netherlands: Development and Review

Written by Sako Musterd, Wim Ostendorf, Translated by Liu Silu

Keywords: Neighbourhood; Urban Renewal Policies; Social Cohesion; Social Mix; Area-based Interventions; Neoliberal


Urban renewal policies in the Netherlands have a long history. Over the decades ample attention has been given to either physical, social or economic questions. There were phases in which the state stimulated especially social and redistributive policies in almost all policy domains, including the urban areas; but from 2010 onwards, state intervention was increasingly aimed at stimulating and supporting ‘the market’, also in the urban realm. We clarify that the Dutch policy on urban renewal used to focus on improving social cohesion while applying area-based interventions. They promoted a social mix in most neighbourhoods, and the involvement of both public and market partners and residents. Recent policies, however, are driven by a regime with a stronger neo-liberal profile. As a result, urban renewal policies are more firmly characterised by private investors and initiatives, which are supported by the state. We sketch the impact on social urban structures of the changes that occurred.


Brief Info of Author(s):

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