DOI: 10.19830/j.upi.2020.652
Research on the Development Process and Practice Ideas of Comprehensive Regeneration of Old Residential Areas in Japan

Zhang Chaohui

Keywords: Urban Renewal; Old Residential Area; Japan; Danchi Regeneration; Urban Regeneration


Promoting the reconstruction of old residential areas is a key measure in current stage of urban regeneration in China. It can improve the quality of life of residents and stimulate the vitality of urban development. However, the complexity of specific practices and many management problems hinder the current reconstruction, so it is very important to sum up the international experience timely. This paper combs the development process of Japan’s Danchi from extensive construction, planning adjustment to comprehensive regeneration, and introduces the regeneration examples of “mansion type” and “detached house type” residential areas in Japan. It also analyzes their ideas, problems and countermeasures, and discusses the enlightenment of Japan’s old residential areas regeneration to China by combining the comprehensive development measures of “urban regeneration” in Japan. Japan’s experience shows that the key ideas for its success are to promote the updating mode of both refinement and comprehensiveness, the multi-agent communication management mode based on demand orientation, and the high degree of emphasis on the consideration of adaptability to aging. It is suggested that in the future, China should firmly grasp the core idea of “delicate renovation + matching improvement + optimizing the adaption to aging population” and learn from Japan’s experience in stages, to gradually strengthen the construction of comprehensive system through the refinement and flexible activation of the reconstruction, and to promote the old residential regeneration to comprehensive and regional development.


Brief Info of Author(s):

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