DOI: 10.19830/j.upi.2020.076
Planning Legislation of the UK Under the Transition of Value-orientation and Institution: Evolution, Characteristic and Implications

Li Jingwei, Tian Li

Keywords: Planning Legislation; Planning System; Spatial Planning; Value-orientation; Institution Evolution; The UK


 The planning legislation of the UK has been evolving with the changes of the political social and economic environment, showing a strong characteristic of timeliness. The reform of the planning system has paid increasing attention to efficiency and pragmatism. Meanwhile, the planning power has been continuously decentralized to local governments, and the public participation has been enhanced, gradually establishing the multi-dimensional governance mechanisms. Through analyzing the changing process of planning legislation and planning system of the UK, combining with the current situation of China’s social and economic development and construction of territorial spatial planning system, we put forward the following suggestions: firstly, the legislation of China’s spatial planning should respond to the value-orientation, institutional environment and governance structure in contemporary China. Secondly, it should simplify the local planning approval procedure and promote the institutionalization of planning implementation evaluation. Thirdly, it should set up agencies for regional planning, formulate cross-regional planning and promote coordinated development among regions. Fourthly, it should realize the innovation of bottom-up spatial governance, advocate consensus building and other forms of cooperative planning.


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