DOI: 10.19830/j.upi.2021.207
Application and Enlightenment of Capital Improvement Planning in Urban Renewal in the US: The Case of Ann Arbor, Michigan

Ding Qi, Zhou Yang, Zhang Jing

Keywords: Urban Renewal; Capital Improvement Planning (CIP); Developmental Process; Implementation Mechanism; Evaluation; Funding


Urban public facilities are the material basis of urban residents’ lives and the basic guarantee for the safe operation and the economic and social development of cities. In order to solve the problems of lacking coordination of public facilities construction projects, insufficient financial resources, and confusion in implementation and management caused by the division of departments in the process of urban renewal, this paper studies the connotation and development history of Capital Improvement Planning (CIP) in the United States and analyzes the construction mechanism of CIP in Ann Arbor, Michigan. The study summarizes its role as an implementation tool for urban renewal, including the implementation of the master plan and the resolution of conflicts between urban public facilities, residents’ needs, and construction funds. Considering the current situation in China, it proposes that firstly, the preparation of CIP should be clearly defined at the legal level in urban renewal planning and made to play a leading role in planning; secondly, a refined evaluation mechanism for the whole life cycle of public facilities should be established; thirdly, a classified public facilities implementation team needs to be formed to strengthen the efficiency of departmental coordination; finally, diversified investment and financing modes with local characteristics should be actively explored to effectively improve the quality of public facilities and meet people’s aspirations for a better life in the city. 


Brief Info of Author(s):

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