DOI: 10.19830/j.upi.2022.243
International Experience and Implications of European Urban Consolidation Centers: A Polycentric Governance Perspective

Han Laiwei, Xiao Zuopeng

Keywords: Urban Consolidation Center; Polycentrism; Logistics Facilities; Construction Mode; Logistics Facilities Planning; Economic Feasibility


Establishing urban consolidation centers (UCC) has been one of the most prevalent urban logistics policy schemes in the West for more than 50 years. This paper reviews the conceptual evolution of UCC in Europe and introduces its diversity in current practices and implementation effectiveness. Targeting the economic sustainability of UCC, this paper summarizes the challenges and subsequent shifts in development ideas and operation mechanisms. With the polycentric theory of urban governance, this paper attempts to explain the failure of the government-led UCC and shows how the flexible engagement and diversified interaction of public and private stakeholders led to the success of UCC. The detailed strategies include innovating business model innovation, optimizing logistics services, designing a balance of interests, and strengthening policy supports. These cases demonstrate how polycentrism achieves value creation in the context of UCC and displays the benefits created in economic, environmental, and social sustainability. This paper ends with the policy implications of polycentric UCC and suggestions for China carrying on similar works in the future.


Brief Info of Author(s):

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