Reflection on and Model Construction of Talent Returning Cultivation Mechanism Based on Rural Revitalization: A Case Study of the “Return to Farming and Village” Program in the Republic of Korea

Yu Kanhua, Wei Wei, Yang Juntao, Zhao Wei

Keywords: Rural Revitalization; The Republic of Korea; Return to Farming and Village; Rural Talent Cultivation Mechanism; Model Construction


In order to revitalize rural areas, talents are the primary resource elements, and talent revitalization is the implementation subject and important guarantee of rural revitalization. The program of “Return to Farming and Village”  implemented in the Republic of Korea in the 1980s has typical effects on innovating the training mechanism of returning personnel and promoting the return of population from cities, which can provide reference for urban-rural integration and rural revitalization and development in China. Through tracing the connotation, denotation, system and type of the program of “Return to Farming and Village” in Korea, this paper analyzes its operating mechanism and effectiveness. By analyzing the regional selection trends and spatial distribution characteristics of Korean returning farmers, it explores the characteristics of talent composition and reasons for the differences. On this basis, the classification and step-by-step introduction mechanism, incentive mechanism and flow mechanism of rural talent return in China and other multidimensional synergy models are discussed to provide a reference for the methods of rural talent revitalization.


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