2015年第增刊期   DOI:
Research on the Historical Change of UK's Land Ownership and Its Influence

赵捷 于立

Zhao Jie, Yu Li


Keywords:British Land Ownership; Historical Changes; Impact


英美两国和欧洲各发达国家的土地所有制和土地法律体系与我国有着极大的不同,但由于发达国家在城市规划理论和实践方面起步早、经验足,我国的城市规划体系和制度、规划理论和方法大量复制了这些发达国家的相关内容。近年来,我国的城市社会经济蓬勃发展,城市扩张速度不断加快,城乡矛盾反复凸显,产生了很多具有自身特色的城市问题,解决这些问题要求我国的规划学者加强因地制宜的观念,在深刻理解发达国家和我国土地所有制差别的前提下,在实践过程中修正或者校准这些“舶来品”。因此,本文对英国自1066 年以来的土地所有权历史变迁和土地所有权现状及特点进行研究,探索英国土地所有权对农业与生态景观,城市土地开发和土地市场,对他国土地所有权和对规划行为的相关影响,以期能够对我国的城市规划理论和实践有所帮助。


There are great differences of land ownership and legal system between the western developed countries and that of China. However, China replicated the western planning system, most skills and relevant contents. In recent years, the booming of China's urban economy, the accelerating ofurban sprawl and repeatedly highlighted rural-urban contradictions result in a lot of urban problems. To solve those problems, Chinese planners need to strengthen local awareness and develop a complete understanding of the land ownership's difference and adjust these "exotic" in practice. The article studies the rheological of British historical land ownership from 1066, the status and characteristics for now, and explores how the British land ownership affects agricultural and ecological landscape, urban land development and land market of the city, as well as other country's land ownership and urban planning.

基金项目:教育部2013 年博士点基金项目(20130002110082)、2013 年国家自然科学基金项目(51278265)联合资助




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