2015年第3期   DOI:
Landscape Change and the Urbanization Process in Europe

马克· 安托罗普

Marc Antrop


Keywords:Urbanization; Landscape Change; Rural; Countryside; Europe


城市化是欧洲文明的一个根本特征。从公元前700 年起,城市化逐渐由南欧展开,并蔓延至整个大陆。城市及其形成的城市网络通常是影响发展的重要因素,并塑造了它们周边的区域。城市与乡村的土地和可达性的两极分化仍然是景观变化的重要因素。城市化及与之相关的交通基础设施确定了城市与乡村的关系。城市化水平由居住在城市地区的人口占总人口的比例来表示,其数值近期展现出爆炸性的增长,在欧洲大多数国家达到了约80%。与此同时,乡村地区开始被遗弃。关于乡村地区的思考、评价和规划均主要由城市居民完成,而乡村的未来发展也主要取决于城市的需求。关于城市地区及与之相连的乡村腹地和影响范围的思考越来越复杂。城市空间的集群,以及它们在全球化和快速交通模式带来的可达性改变下的处境,是影响欧洲传统文化景观改变的一些新因素。城市化进程表现为以不同的方式在空间中扩散的演进循环。城市化阶段的发展在南欧和北欧呈现出不同的时间和速度。主要的城市首先受到城市化进程的影响,并逐渐地影响较小的聚居地和更偏远的乡村地区。城市功能区是一个新的概念,同时对景观生态学也有重要的意义。地方尺度的景观变化只有将其放在更宏观的地理背景和所有相关的动态要素下才能被理解。乡村地区的变化呈现出不同的模式,分为主要城市周边的村庄、都市型村庄和偏远乡村的村庄三种类型。未来景观的规划和设计必须对这些背景有深刻的理解。城市化景观是高度变化的、复杂的和多功能的。因此,我们迫切需要关于景观状况的详细调研和变化监测,为合理的决策制定过程提供可靠的数据。


Urbanization is one of the fundamental characteristics of the European civilization. It gradually spread from Southeast Europe around 700 B.C., across the whole continent. Cities and the urban networks they formed were always an important factor in the development and shaping of their surrounding regions. Polarization of territory between urban and rural and accessibility are still important aspects in landscape dynamics. Urbanization and its associated transportation infrastructure define the relationship between city and countryside. Urbanization, expressed as the proportion of people living in urban places shows a recent but explosive growth reaching values around 80% in most European countries. Simultaneously the countryside becomes abandoned. Thinking, valuing and planning the countryside is done mainly by urbanites and future rural development is mainly focused upon the urban needs. Thinking of urban places with their associated rural hinterland and spheres of influence has become complex. Clusters of urban places, their situation in a globalizing world and changing accessibility for fast transportation modes are some new factors that affect the change of traditional European cultural landscapes. Urbanization processes show cycles of evolution that spread in different ways through space. Urbanization phases developed at different speeds and time between Northern and Southern Europe. Main cities are affected first, but gradually urbanization processes affect smaller settlements and even remote rural villages. Functional urban regions (FURs) are a new concept, which is also significant for landscape ecologists. Local landscape change can only be comprehended when situated in its general geographical context and with all its related dynamics. Patterns of change are different for the countryside near major cities, for metropolitan villages and for remote rural villages. Planning and designing landscapes for the future requires that this is understood. Urbanized landscapes are highly dynamic, complex and multifunctional. Therefore, detailed inventories of landscape conditions and monitoring of change are urgently needed in order to obtain reliable data for good decision-making.

版权信息:本文原载于《景观与城市规划》2004 年(第67 卷)第1 期(Landscape and Urban Planning, 2004, 67[1]: 9-26),爱思唯尔(Elsevier)出版公司授权我刊发表中译文
基金项目:国家自然科学基金(51078152)、教育部人文社会科学研究青年基金项目(12YJCZH167)、广东省自然科学基金项目(2014A030313226)、华南理 工大学中央高校基本科研项目业务费资助项目(x2jzD2118190)共同资助

马克· 安托罗普,比利时佛兰德根特大学(University of Ghent),地理系系主任、教授;佛兰德遗产和景观保护皇家委员会会员;风景保护委员会副会长;比利时佛兰德政府环境影响评估和管理顾问,GIS 在管理、环境政策和规划的应用实践顾问;GIS 科学委员会会员



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