2015年第3期   DOI:
The Overall Logic of the Coupling and Interacting Relationship Between Consumption Space and City Development: Taking Deji Plaza as an Example

赵丹 张京祥

Zhao Dan, Zhang Jingxiang


Keywords:Consumption Space; City Development;Coupling and Interacting Relationship;Space Production; Deji Plaza




Many cities in China have been transforming from industrial cities to consumer cities. The new institution environment provides it more profound meaning. Under this background, consumption space appears on a large scale and has a coupling and interacting relationship with city development. That is not only an interest demand of consumption space but also a proactive adaptation of city development. This paper introduces the concept of space production and analyzes the logical relationship between consumption space and city development. Based on the empirical analysis of Deji Plaza, the paper reveals how the coupling and interacting relationship achieved.

基金项目:本文为国家自然科学基金课题“转型期中国城市空间生产的 效应、机制与治理研究”(41171134)资助成果



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