2015年第5期   DOI:
Research Progress and Planning Thinking About Third Place

冯静 甄峰 王晶

Feng Jing, Zhen Feng, Wang Jing


Keywords:Third Place; Space of Flow; Transformation; Planning Strategy


伴随着全球化和信息化进程不断演进,时间与空间的弹性逐渐增强,第三空间的概念应运而生。本文介绍了雷· 奥尔登堡提出的第三空间的概念、内涵以及国外相关理论研究进展,从社会学的角度对城市公共空间进行了再认识,强调了第三空间的可进入性、社会交往、信息密集与流动性。希望通过对第三空间概念和本质属性的理解,为我国转型期城市公共空间破碎化问题提供解决思路,为智慧城市建设中流动场所的营造提供理论参考,并提出智



With the advance of globalization and network technology, the flexibility of time and space is increasing, and the concept of third place arises. This paper introduces the concept, origin and research progress of the third place, trying to re-understand public space from a sociological view. It stresses the accessibility, social interaction, informationintensive and mobility of third place. By understand the concept and nature of third place, we try to provide solutions to the fragmentation of urban public space and provide a theoretical reference for creating the space of flow while constructing smart city. Finally, we try to propose the appropriate planning strategies for space construction of smart city.

基金项目:国家自然科学基金“信息时代中国城市就业与居住空间变化研究”(40971094) 、中央高校基本科研业务专项资金 (1115090201)





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