2015年第5期   DOI:
Evolution of Urbanization for the US Rust Belt and Its Implication for the Northeast Old Industrial Base

刘世薇 张平宇

Liu Shiwei, Zhang Pingyu


Keywords:US Rust Belt; Urbanization; Northeastern Old Industrial Base; Implications




Based on the census data of the US, the study analyzes the evolution of urbanization characteristics of US Rust Belt, which may provide some implications for the sustainable urbanization of the Northeast old industrial base. Results showed that the urbanization process of the Rust Belt can be divided into three periods: the rise period of the cities, rapid urbanization period, and the metropolitanization period. However, the progress has so far been mixed. Therefore, the Northeast old industrial base should speed up the industrial structure adjustment and coordinate relationship between urbanization and industrialization, optimize the urban system and development the small towns, pay more attention to develop the agricultural industry and promote development of the food manufacture, strengthen technological innovation, promote the revitalization of the northeast old industry base.

基金项目:国家自然科学基金项目(41071108, 41201159),中国科学院知识创 新工程重要方向项目(KZCX2-YW-342),国家科技支撑计划课题 (2008BAH31B06)联合资助




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