2016年第1期   DOI:
Theses on Urbanization

尼尔· 博任纳 著 邱婴芝 李志刚 译

Written by Neil Brenner, Translated by Qiu Yingzhi, Li Zhigang


Keywords:Planetary Urbanization; Urban Theory; Urban Question




With the development of urbanization, current urban situation draws much attention both in academic circles and in the public sphere: the geographies of urbanization tend to be planetary, which explodes the erstwhile urban/rural divide; transnational capital investment and urban development are emerging across major world economic regions; the contemporary metropolis has become a locus of sociopolitical mobilization. Under these conditions, this paper reviews and rethinks the inherited urban theory, which is in a state of disarray. To provoke debate regarding the contemporary planetary urban condition, the state of intellectual inheritance in the academic fields devoted to its investigation, and the prospects for developing new conceptual strategies for deciphering emergent urban realities and potentialities across places, territories, and scales, this paper presents a series of theses and suggests several possible future horizons for urban theory and research.

版权信息:本文原载于《公共文化》2013 年(第25 卷)第1 期 (Public Culture, 2013, 25[1]: 85-114),杜克大学出版社 (Duke University Press)授权本刊发表中译文

尼尔· 博任纳,哈佛大学建筑学院教授,城市理论实验室主任




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