2016年第1期   DOI:
The Evolution of Dutch Rural Planning and Its Implications

张驰 张京祥 陈眉舞

Zhang Chi, Zhang Jingxiang, Chen Meiwu


Keywords:The Netherlands; Rural Planning; Land Consolidation; Land Development; Spatial Planning




The Netherlands is similar to China to a large extent in terms of high density of population and the lack of per capita arable land, but it has better rural environment and stronger agriculture industry due to its prominent and experienced rural planning. This paper introduces the historical development of Dutch rural planning and discusses the relationship between Dutch urban and rural planning. The rural land consolidation, rural land development and spatial planning are discussed to analyze the evolution of Dutch planning philosophy in rural areas. It is expected that the paper can provide some experience to the rural planning and construction in China, such as multiple planning integration, innovation of land development, land property transaction system reform and diversity of rural governance.






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