2016年第2期   DOI:
纽约市区划条例的百年流变(1916—2016) —— 以私有公共空间建设为例
A-Century Development of New York City’s Zoning Resolution (1916-2016) from the Perspective of Privately Owned Public Space Construction


Yu Yang

关键词:纽约市;区划条例;私有公共空间; 发展历程;对中国的启示

Keywords:New York City; Zoning Resolution; Privately Owned Public Space; Development History; Enlightenment for China




From the perspective of privately owned public space construction, the article makes a historical review of New York City’s Zoning Resolution development in a century, especially focusing on the development of incentive zoning, and depicts a trajectory from rigid zoning to flexible zoning. Meanwhile, the relevant experiences and lessons are analyzed in detail. Finally, considering the present situation of adopting incentive zoning in Chinese cities, New York City’s enlightenment for China is brought forward.




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