2016年第4期   DOI:10.22217/upi.2016.216
Factors Associated with Physical Activity of School Age Children in Chinese Cities:A Systemic Review Based on a Social Ecological Model

何玲玲 王肖柳 林琳

He Lingling, Wang Xiaoliu, Lin Lin


Keywords:Rapid Urbanization; School Age Children;Physical Activity; Built Environment Factor




China’s rapid urbanization since the economic reform has involved economic, social, and environmental changes that have led to the transformation of life style that increases risk for physical inactivity, overweight, and obesity among school age children. It is crucial to understand the correlates of physical activity in Chinese urban school age children, so that effective interventions could be implemented to promote physical activity and to contribute to the prevention of overweight and obesity. This paper systematically reviews both English and Chinese literature on overweight/obesity and physical activity of school age children in Chinese cities, and summarizes the factors associated with physical activity based on an ecological framework.




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