2016年第5期   DOI:10.22217/upi.2015.459
新时期我国主要中心城市走向“全球城市”的路径研究 —— 基于“中心度—联系度”的辨析和讨论
Rational Path for “Global City” Oriented Development Amongst China’s Metropolises in the New Era: Discussion Based on Centrality and Connectivity Index


Li Fengqing


Keywords:Global City; Rational Path; Centrality Index; Connectivity Index




Based on the dual perspective of “centralityconnectivity”, this paper discusses the rational paths towards “global city” for China’s metropolises in the coming era. By clarifying the misunderstandings of the global status of Beijing, Shanghai in both “centrality index” and “connectivity index”, this paper points out the further limits and also pragmatic fields for realizing the ‘Global City Goal’ amongst China’s metropolises. Those discussions are expected to contribute the understanding of rational developing paths and future planning strategies for China’s metropolises.




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