2016年第5期   DOI:10.22217/upi.2015.518
资本驱动下乡村复兴的反思与模式建构 —— 基于济南市唐王镇两个典型村庄的比较
Reflection and Mode Construction of Capital-driven Rural Renaissance: Comparative Study of Two Typical Villages in Tangwang, Jinan

王京海 张京祥

Wang Jinghai, Zhang Jingxiang


Keywords:Capital-driven; Rural Renaissance; Mode; Regulatory Mechanism; Rural Governance; Tangwang Town of Jinan City




Due to rural development dilemma, government and academia find it necessary to solve rural economy, employment and a series of problems through capital investment to promote rural renaissance. However, since it is a frequent phenomenon that capital encroaches smallholder, while capital bring market operation to further enhance agricultural value, it is also leading to a new enclosure movement to some extent. The paper discusses the impact on rural industries, farmers’ rights and rural governance of two capital-driven modes through an empirical study on two typical villages. By comparison and reflection of the two rural development condition, the paper constructs the mode of capitaldriven rural renaissance. During the process of capital-driven development, not only the top-down capital investment and regulatory mechanisms are required, but also the bottom-up rural self-development and governance system should be improved. Not only the instrumental rationality of capital-driven development should be paid attention to, but also the value rationality of rural autonomy should be emphasized.





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