2017年第2期   DOI:10.22217/upi.2016.562
新区空间形态与活力的演化假说:基于街道可达性、建筑 密度和形态以及功能混合度的整合分析
A Hypothesis of Urban Morphogenesis and Urban Vitality in Newly Built-up Areas: Analyses Based on Street Accessibility, Building Density and Functional Mixture

叶宇 庄宇

Ye Yu, Zhuang Yu

关键词:新区;空间形态演化; 城市活力;街道可达性; 建筑密度及形态;功能混合

Keywords:Newly Built-up Areas; Urban Morphogenesis; Urban Vitality; Street Accessibility; Building Density and Typology; Functional Mixture


欧洲各国在战后1950—1970 年代和我国在过去30 年中都经历了快速的城市化和新区扩张。不论欧洲各国还是中国,这些新区都先后面临在相对高建设强度下城市活力依然缺乏的情况。本文从空间形态角度切入,对于三个规模类似、区位相近但经数十年时间发展之后具有不同活力的荷兰新城的空间形态演化进行分析并尝试总结若干规律。本研究基于实证分析提出一个假说,即新区城市活力随时间逐步增加的过程在形态学视角下表现为适宜的建设强度与建筑形态和足够的功能混合度向具有高街道可达性的地块积聚的过程。本文由此提出针对这一形态演化过程假说的量化测度并进行了测试,并结合国内新区新城做简要讨论。


European countries went through a fast expansion of newly built-up areas between 1950s and 1970s after the WWII. A similar urbanization process also happened in China in the past three decades. Nevertheless, these newly built-up areas in both European countries and China had faced or have been facing the lack of urban vitality although they are being built with a relatively high intensity. In this context, this paper analyzes the morphogenesis process in three Dutch new towns over decades with different degrees of urban vitality now. A hypothesis is then proposed based on empirical studies to claim that the increase of urban vitality over time reflects on the aggregation of building density and functional mixture toward street blocks with high street accessibility from urban morphological perspective. An index based on this hypothesis for measuring this process has been developed and discussed in the context of Chinese newlybuilt-up areas as well.



庄宇,博士,同济大学建筑与城市规划学院建筑系,教授, 博士生导师


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