2017年第2期   DOI:10.22217/UPI.2014.109
The Theory and Localization About Typo-morphological Approach

陈锦棠 姚圣 田银生

Chen Jintang, Yao Sheng, Tian Yinsheng


Keywords:Urban Morphology; Architectural Typology; Typo-morphology; Urban Planning




Conzenian approach and Caniggian approach are important western methodologies for appreciating the structure and transformation of urban form. Historical thinking is an important framework for Conzenian approach based on the Germany morphorogenetic research tradition. Highlight the relation between every type of built spaces is main component for Caniggian approach developed from Italian design typology. Typo-morphological approach combined the advantages of the two approaches shows higher potential both in understanding and managing the urban form. After a review of the development of the typo-morphology approach from western academic, the research framework is formed. Based on those discussions, attention will be placed on advantages in theory base, challenges in case studies and issues in urban planning during the localization process.

基金项目:国家自然科学基金(51678241)和亚热带建筑科学国家重点 实验室自主创新课题(2017KB08)资助项目





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