2017年第2期   DOI:10.22217/upi.2015.205
基于生活地名法的传统聚落空间结构研究 —— 以云南西双版纳曼海聚落为例
Research on Spatial Structure of Traditional Village Based on the Method of Life Place Name: Taking Manhai Village for Example

冯旭 山崎寿一

Feng Xu, Yamazaki Juichi

关键词:聚落地理学;生活地名;传统聚落;空间结构; 曼海

Keywords:Settlement Geography; Life Place Name; Traditional Village; Spatial Structure; Manhai Village


本文首先梳理了日本聚落地理学研究的发展及生活地名法的产生背景。融合了地理学、历史学、民俗学等学科视角的生活地名法,是在基于“吸收相关学科内容重新审视聚落人地关系,注重居住群体客观视角”的日本现代聚落地理学发展背景下,作为分析聚落空间结构的重要方法被提出的。2010 年,生活地名法被首次运用到日本以外的案例研究中,以中国云南西双版纳曼海聚落为对象,通过采集生活地名,分析其中所隐含的空间意识,提炼了中心、边界与方向观、水路与道路、公共与信仰空间等空间类型,并总结出曼海的传统空间结构。


The development of settlement geography and the background of the Method of Life Place Name in Japan are sorted out in the paper. Integrating geography, sociology historiography and folklore, the method of Life Place Name was put forward under the background of absorbing related disciplines with settlers’ objective view and is used for analyzing spatial structure of settlement. In 2010, this method was used in settlement research outside Japan for the first time. Through collecting life place names and extracting the spatial awareness of villagers in Manhai, a traditional Dai village in Sipsongpanna, China’s Yunnan province, the spatial structure of Manhai is summarized objectively and comprehensively from the spatial type of center, edge and orientation, river and road, as well as public area.





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