2017年第2期   DOI:10.22217/upi.2016.118
Analysis of First Urban Planning Act and Its Supporting Act in Japan

姚传德 于利民

Yao Chuande, Yu Limin


Keywords:Japan; Urban Planning Act; Building Act in Street Area; Urban Planning


1919 年颁布的《都市计划法》是日本近现代历史上制定的第一部城市规划法,该法案及其配套法案《市街地建筑物法》是在当时日本城市高速发展迫切需要法律规范的背景下,基于明治维新以后日本在城市建设过程中积累的经验,并借鉴了西方近代城市建设的长处之后形成的。该法案及其配套法案在计划区域、土地整理、地域用途、建筑线、计划程序、财政来源等方面,做了很多新的规定。与此同时,还成立了由专家组成的专门的城市规划机构。虽然《都市计划法》也存在诸如中央集权的色彩浓厚、某些措施不切实际等缺陷,但是它标志着日本建立了一整套完善的城市管理法规与管理制度,实现了城市管理体制的近代化。该法案的诞生对日本近现代城市建设与发展产生了深远的影响。


In 1919, the Japanese government promulgated the “Urban Planning Act”, which is the first act about urban planning in the history of modern Japan. The act and its supporting act called “Building Act in Street Area” were formed in the background of rapid development of Japanese cities’ urgent needs for the legal norms, which based on the experience and lessons of Japan in the process of urban constructions after the Meiji Restoration, at the same time which also draws on advantages of modern western urban construction. The act and the complementary programs have done a lot of new provisions: land consolidations, regional use, building lines, schedules and financial sources. Besides, special institutions that are composed of experts were set up. There are also some flaws in it: a centralized government, some of the measures are not practical and so on. Nevertheless, it shows that Japan has established complete urban management acts and systems, which have completed the modernization in urban management. In a word, the act actually has had a profound impact on modern urban constructions and developments in Japan.

基金项目:国家社会科学基金重大项目“20 世纪世界城市的转型研究”(16ZDA139)




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