2017年第3期   DOI:10.22217/upi.2016.262
Research on the Application Strategy About Urban Agriculture in Green Residential Community

贺丽洁 方智果

He Lijie, Fang Zhiguo


Keywords:Urban Agriculture; Green Residential Community; Spatial Integration; Suitable Technology; Overall Management




Green residential community and urban agriculture are the important methods to solve environment and food safety issues. But for a long time, the researches and practices on these two fields are separated without any intersection. The research on how to integrate urban agriculture and green residential community could promote the urban transform from consumption pattern to production pattern. Based on the behavior characteristics and the space demands of food production, food consumption to food recycle and reuse, this article studies the strategies system of space, technology and management which integrates urban agriculture into green residential community. This will provide new ideas for the development of China’s green residential community and urban agriculture.





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