2017年第4期   DOI:10.22217/upi.2016.317
政策、社会、空间 —— 法国大型居住社区的建设与治理(1850—2010年)
Policy, Society, Space: Construction and Governance of French Large-scale Community (1850-2010)


Yang Chen

关键词:大型居住社区;法国经验;城市更新; 社区治理

Keywords:Large-scale Community; France Experience, Urban Renewal; Community Governance


保障性住房是中国政府和公众关注的重大问题。本文从政策、社会、空间三个角度入手,分四个时期,即工人城(1850—1890 年代)、花园城(1890—1930 年代)、大型居住社区(1945—1973 年)、更新与治理(1973—2010 年),对法国一个半世纪以来的大型居住社区的建造过程、问题和对策进行梳理,并提出法国经验对中国保障房社区建设的借鉴意义。


The indemnificatory apartment is a main concern of the Chinese government and the public. The paper anal yses the histor y, problems and countermeasures of social housing in France in four phases: working-class neighborhood (1850-1890s), garden city (1890s-1930s), large-scale community (1945-1973) and urban renewal and Community governance (1973-2010). Each phase is introduced in three perspectives: policy, society and space. The paper reflects the signification of the France experience as a good reference to China’s construction of indemnificatory apartment.




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